We have spent years sharing information and answering clients questions and concerns, so on this page we have tried to list the most commonly asked questions. Unfortunately homes, clients and pests in general are all individual so if you can’t find an answer to your question or you would like more information we will be happy to help you get the answers. Just call us to speak directly with a qualified technician.

  • Will I have to leave the house?

In the vast majority of cases it is not necessary to leave your home.

  • Are the chemicals you use dangerous?

As part of our Integrated Pest Management approach to your service we will always select the product with the lowest toxicity to get the job done effectively. Many of these products do not even attract a poison label.

  • Are the chemicals you use safe for children, pets and pregnant women?

The products we select for use inside your home are the same as those registered for use in hospitals child care centres and food manufacturing areas. As an extra precaution we do ask that children under the age of five or pregnant women vacate the premises during the treatment and for 4 hours after.

  • I have asthma and am highly allergic. Can you treat my property?

Pesticide development in recent years has seen great advances in safety for asthma sufferers. The no odor – low toxicity – water based formulations are unlikely to trigger an attack. If your asthma is particular severe or you have a history of general sensitivity to pesticides or cleaning products we would however ask that you vacate the home until treated services are dry.

  • Do I need to do anything in preparation for my pest treatment?

Moving articles of clothing, children’s toys, magazine etc. away from floor edges, especially in those areas where you are encountering problems, will allow us to treat the floor at the base of the wall where pests are most likely to encounter the pesticide. Do not hang washing out on the line until after the service. Pets food bowls should also be removed from the floor. You do not need to move large items of furniture.

  • Do I need to empty kitchen cupboards?

No. Gel or monitor boards will be used in kitchen cupboards when necessary. There will be no spraying of liquid pesticides in these areas. The Gel is applied to hinges and gaps within the cupboard and will not contaminate food or utensils.

  • What if I have contact with the areas that have been sprayed?

Once the treated area is dry the active constituent adheres to the surface and should cause you no problems what so ever. While still wet caution should be taken to try and not contact the treated surfaces as the pesticide maybe be absorbed by your skin resulting in some irritation. Should you make accidental contact always wash with soap and water as soon as possible.

  • Do I need to clean up after the treatment?

There should be no need to clean benches or utensils in the kitchen. Tiled areas should not be mopped and carpets not vacuumed around the edges for as long as possible but at least not before 7 to 14 days.

  • Will I still see pests after the treatment?

Immediately after the treatment pests may appear increased as they are flushed out. This should be temporary and is normal. There after, an occasional sighting is possible but as long as the pest has spent time in contact with a treated surface they should die shortly after.

  • I am having my carpets cleaned. Should I do it before or after my pest treatment?

It is best to have your pest treatment after carpets are cleaned.

  • I am renovating. When should I have my pest treatment?

After all trades including paint, carpets and final clean up are finished.

  • How often should I have my pest control done?

In order to maintain a pest free environment services should be carried out on a regular bases not exceeding twelve months. In some instances more frequent treatments may be recommended.

  • What does you warranty mean?

Most treatments will have a free service period attached. The length of that period will vary depending on the type of treatment and pests involved. We will be clear and up-front about the warranty period when you contact us. If the pest(s) reinfest during the given period we will do all that is necessary to eradicate them, no questions asked at no further cost.